To plant is to place or fix something into a specified position and often must be well thought out in advance. When setting or positioning a tree close to a home or facility, an important factor is to consider how tall it will grow, how far it will branch and root out. If the benefit of planting a tree is for the comfort of shade, a timber frame shade shelter kit will provide a protective canopy without any obstacles.

pergola round roof

Timber is temperature regulating just as trees are. Like a good shade tree, ShadeScape® canopy timber kits have a perfect light to shade ratio of 85%. The benefits of building a canopy with a ShadeScape® kit instead of a shade tree are:

1. No clearing tree limbs from overhead power lines and utilizes. 2. No strong winds sending branches through a roof. 3. No roots damaging buried wires or gas lines. 4. No dropping leaves that clog gutters. 5. No watering or nurturing.

The sixth - and a big reason - is there is No waiting for the tree to grow

Most ShadeScape® Pergolas can be installed in as little as ONE afternoon!

barbecue grill arbor

#BarbecueStation #BeforeAfter

Vaya! Almost seemingly instant shade!!


As an added bonus, a ShadeScape® kit can butt up against or attach to the home for a seamless transition from the indoors to the outdoors. That is not practical with a growing tree.


We love trees, and all they do for us. ShadeScape® kits are made from the finest grade, sustainable trees. With a timber frame ShadeScape® pergola, pavilion, cabana, trellis, arbor, or gazebo you can enjoy all the happiness of trees without the upkeep, care and wait.

three pergola kits

ShadeScape® Pergolas provide excellent shade coverage, and clearly define your outdoor living space. Our beautiful kits facilitate and bring life to outdoor family gatherings, parties, and events.

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